13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

What If I Forgot To File My Tax Return?

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If you did not file you tax return by the April 15th deadline you need to file it as soon as possible. Although you will pay a Failure to File Penalty, if you file less than 60 days after the due date, you will pay 5% of the unpaid taxes per month or part of a month the return is not filed. If you file it more than 60 days after it was due, you will pay a minimum of $135 or 100% of the unpaid tax, whichever is smaller.

The Failure to File Penalty is more than the Failure to Pay Penalty. The Failure to Pay Penalty is 1/2 of 1% of the unpaid balance for each month the taxes are unpaid. So even if you cannot pay, you should file as soon as possible.

If both penalties apply, the Failure to File Penalty is reduced by the amount of the Failure to Pay Penalty.

If you have reasonable cause that you can substantiate is not due to willful neglect, then you may be able to get the Failure to File Penalty abated. You need to write a letter to the IRS explaining why you could not file by the deadline. I forgot or I didn't know they were due, are not acceptable reasons. A death in the family or a serious illness or other major life altering event, may be accepted.

For more information on Penalties see the IRS website. If you need assistance in filing your returns or have prior year returns that have not been filed, you may need to contact an Enrolled Agent or other tax professional.

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