If you are one of thousands of taxpayers who are in a payment plan with the IRS, but due to current economic conditions cannot make your payment, you have options. If you have lost your job and your entire financial situation has changed, you need to contact the IRS and be prepared to lay out your new situation. If you expenses have not changed and your income is all that has changed, you may just need proof (like a termination letter) you no longer have a job.
If your expenses have changed as well, you may need to provide proof of those changes as well. When you talk to the IRS, only say what has happened and answer honestly and completely any questions they may ask. Do not volunteer information, except to briefly explain your situation. Don't get chatty, even if the person you talk is friendly and personable, remember, they work for the IRS. You could make one simple statement that could cause you problems.
If your liability is substantial and you need assistance, contact an Enrolled Agent, who can represent you before the IRS. What ever you do, do not ignore your situation. If you default you payment plan, the IRS can levy your bank accounts, retirement accounts and file a lien even if your tax liability is low. Call either the IRS or an Enrolled Agent before the IRS makes a bad financial situation even worse.